Recipient of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Collaborative Research Project Grant for Vision Viksit Bharat @2047 for the project titled Viksit Bharat ki Atmanirbhar Betiyan: Exploring the Role of CCTs and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao in Empowering Girls in India in 2024.
Start-up grant from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati from 2024-2026 for the project titled Eating Healthy Food in Urban India: The Role of Digital Technology.
Wenner-Gren Foundation and the European Association for Social Anthropologists (EASA) grant to attend the EASA Biennial Conference on Doing and Undoing with Anthropology at the University of Barcelona from 23-26 July 2024.
Wenner-Gren Foundation and the European Association for Social Anthropologists (EASA) grant to attend the EASA Biennial Conference on Transformation, Hope and the Commons at Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland from 26-29 July 2022.
Krishna Raj Fellowship (KRF) by the Centre for Development Economics (CDE), Delhi School of Economics (DSE) in June 2013 for the research project titled Negotiating Traditions: Maiyyas of Vrindavana.
National Scholarship in Sociology for Merit from Delhi School of Economics (DSE) for 2012-14.
Amul Vidya Bhushan awarded by the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, Anand for Outstanding Academic Performance at the Central Board Higher Secondary Examinations held in March-April 2009.